FA/FSC date sheet announced for Punjab Board 2013
FA/FSC date sheet announced for Punjab Board 2013
We want to wish all the students of PACANS good luck for the exam. More than 600 students prepared for FA/FSC examination from Pacans. Pacans has branches in 34 cities of Pakistan. Call 0300-4094094
[gview file=”http://www.bisefsd.edu.pk/downloads/DateSheet_HSSC_A2013.pdf” height=”800px” width=”600px”]
FA/FSC date sheets for all the board in Punjab have been announced. The most interesting news is about the FA part 1 Geography exam. The exam is going to be held on 5th June 2013. As far as the FA part 2 exams are concerned we want to inform you that the Economics exam for FA part 2 would be held on 28th May.