Paragraph on Greatest Invention in the world
Greatest invention
This is 21st century and the world is running so fast. The latest technology is being introduced day by day. So I must say that this is the era of science. All the progress of world is result of science, due to which we have been able to invent thing and to mobilize the world. In my opinion internet is the greatest invention of the world. After computer it was fairytale to connect two computers. But at a certain age we were able to do that. Which changed the whole world, everyone was wondering about that. It works progressively in every department and in every spare of our life. All type of books is available at internet so it is best for study purpose. Social networks, multimedia, Wikipedia, games, saving data, all type of entertainment, all type of information, news, and banking are the basic facilities. There are many more facilities are available at internet. But the mythical purpose of internet is to stay connect with other computer and saving data. In addition to my word life is tasteless and like a mud stone without internet