Check IELTS result for 25th March 2017 Lahore- result announced 7th April IELTS result for 25th March 2017 has been announced. Pacans is the largest IELTS institute in Lahore. If you cannot find your result please call 042-35855791 and we will let you know about the result. Next session …
NTS GAT General 2nd April 2017 result by roll number slips Pakistan-10th April result day NTS has announced the result of the GAT exam which was announced on 2nd April. The result would be announced after 8 days. Pacans Preparation Center has emerged as the largest GAT preparation center in …
Pakistan Check Online result for NTS GAT General exam 2nd April 2017-10th April result day National Testing Service has announced the result for the 2nd April exam which would be announced on 10th April 2017. Please click on the link below to check your result. If you want to know …
2nd April NTS GAT General Pakistan 2017-10th April result day NTS has announced the result for the 2nd April exam which would be held on 10th April 2017. You would be happy to know that most students of Pacans have gotten very good marks. Please click on the link below …
Which is the best SAT-2 SUBJECT prep center in Lahore? Unfortunately only Pacans is offering regular classes for SAT-2 preparation course. Classes are held on Friday and Saturday. Preparation fee for each subject is Rs 5000. SAT-2 Preparation fee for each subject is Rs 5,000 at Pacans. Friday and Saturday …
Which are the best GRE coaching institutes in Lahore? We asked from 100 people through an online survey about the GRE institutes about which they have heard. This is the list. It might help you when you are trying to find out the GRE institutes in Lahore. Pacans Brightlink prep …
Which are the best GRE preparation institutes in Lahore? Most students prepare for GRE at their homes, but if you ever think of joining an institute you could choose one of them. Pacans Brightlink prep Kips Smartprep X-effective Mukprep
Fulbright GRE exam preparation course in Lahore-Rs 15,000-Canada Qualified GRE is compulsory for those who want to apply for Fulbright Scholarship. You would be required to get more than 310 to increase your chances of getting the scholarship. GRE preparation classes at being offered at Pacans. GRE Preparation Courses: 4-week …
Check available dates for SAT-2 Subject Chemistry exams in Lahore 2017? 1st October-5th November- 3rd December-21st January-6th May-3rd June Pacans Preparation Center is offering tuition for SAT-2 Subjects. Call 0300-4094094 for information.
What is the registration process for SAT-2 Subject exams in Lahore? 1st October-5th November- 3rd December-21st January-6th May-3rd June Pacans Preparation Center is offering tuition for SAT-2 Subjects. Call 0300-4094094 for information.