Motherboard is the board which is located in the internal PC. It manages the several electronic components. It holds many things such as hard drive, central processing unit, floppy disk, memory, etc. it also has a capability of attach sound cards, game cards, network cards, etc. It also has a …
Farming is the need of people food. There are many types of farming. We cannot imagine life is without farming because farmers irrigate some food for their requirements for life. Farming was also the passion of Prophet. Various farmers farm potato, tomato, vegetables, rice, wheat, etc for the sale purpose …
Tanning means the art or process of converting skins of animal into leather. Today leather is used in much ways just like leather wallet, leather jacket, leather shoes, etc. The method of tanning is usually used in factories by some sort of chemicals etc. We can also say that tanning …
At that time Japan is the most famous country in the world of cars. Japanese every time struggle to improve and made a fastest car in the earth so that they did it. They create a car whose name is “Bugatti” it ranks is 1 in road greatest cars. It …
Mostly I spent my summer vacations on beaches. Beach is the place to get rid of worries, stressful life, and also a beautiful place for swimming like beaches of western Australia Brisbane, Melbourne, Queensland etc. Most memorable day on a beach was during last summer season due to presence of …
Engine modification means to enhance or upgrade the power of vehicles. There are almost millions of ways to upgrade systems under the bonnet! We can maximize the power of spark ignition by replacing intake manifold, exhaust manifold, installing ECU unit, turbo charging, inter-cooling etc, additional upgrades are also available in …
It has been extensively used in public as well as in military. Due to advancement in IT sector, there is a huge potential rise occurs in this. Intelligence, here mean to think more creatively and faster than a human brain. It is combination of biological thinking and combining normal facts …
Plasma is another state of mater. Plasma is in between solid and liquid, means plasma is neither solid nor liquid. Plasma exists in the universe with maximum percentage than all other states of mater. The sun which is the largest planet of universe and sun has a maximum percentage of …
Blood is the liquid which flows continuously in our body from heart to every part of body. The main function is to supply the essential elements to every cell of our body. These elements include nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, oxygen etc. Blood consists of three types of cells. These cells …
If you go in a city, country or somewhere for first time and you have no guide with you, it will be a panic for you in that situation. But if can understand the signboards, it will be very helpful for you to reach at your desired destination. So, sign …