Almost everyone has bank accounts these days, because most of the companies transfer the salaries directly to the employee’s account. Moreover, new features have also added, such as applications through which account holder can easily transfer money and pay utility bills etc.
Accordion is a type of musical instruments. A person who plays the accordion is called an accordionist. The instrument is played by compressing or expanding the bellows while pressing buttons or keys, causing pallets to open, which allow air to flow across strips of brass or steel, called reeds.
I prefer living in small accommodations rather than the large, luxury houses. For instance, what is the point of having a huge accommodation, when you have no one to live with you. Furthermore, luxuries cannot guarantee quality life.
Traffic accidents are the common phenomena these days, because people don’t value their lives. If you love yourself, its impossible to get careless towards your life. It doesn’t matter how many strict traffic rules and regulations are being imposed, if people have the tendency to disobey, these will not work.
In the modern day world, we have access to almost all the information that we want for our work, available on internet. Internet is also the medium to have access to the people and experts all around the world, who can help you regarding your matter.
Accelerators have different types in different fields of study. But in common it means to speed up something. The first thing, which is coming in my mind is the car accelerator. It is called accelerator, because it speeds up the car
Accelerant is used to accelerates the development of fire to commit arson. It plays a major role in chemistry. Indicators of an incendiary fire or arson can lead fire investigators to look for the presence of fuel traces in fire debris. Burning compounds and liquids can leave behind evidence of …
Abuse is the improper usage or treatment of a thing. There are many types of abuse, such as physical abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse and digital abuse etc. Abuses can also be subcategorized in domestic abuse and social abuse. It is important to protect yourself from any kind of abuse. …
I want to go abroad, for my further studies. Abroad is often used in a sentence as a foreign country. When we use abroad as noun it may include any foreign country. Usually, people travel abroad, because they are unable to satisfy their needs by living in their home country.
Haider has hired an accompanist to learn piano. He desperately wants to learn piano and take part in the music competition.