A paragraph on Sign Boards
If you go in a city, country or somewhere for first time and you have no guide with you, it will be a panic for you in that situation. But if can understand the signboards, it will be very helpful for you to reach at your desired destination. So, sign boards are very important in our daily life, we find and see a large number of different sign boards. Some of them are known to us or easy to understand, but some of them are associated with some specific field i-e science and technology and chemical reactions. Sign boards are also play a vital role in tourism, because foreign tourist cannot understand the local language but they can learn and understand the sign boards easily. So sign boards are the guides of tourist and very helpful for them. The use of sign boards is very common in all over the world, we can see the sign boards in historical buildings, hospitals, and airports etc. sign boards are also very helpful in shopping malls. Some sign boards are common and have the same meaning in most countries. All the signboards are placed for the benefit of people, but people must be educated to understand them. People can learn about sign boards by reading the journals and related articles and by other information sources.