BA English Essay: How to solve energy crisis in Pakistan?
How to solve energy crisis in Pakistan?
Energy is the bloodline of a country’s economy. A continuous and sufficient energy `supply can ensure a healthy and progressive economy. Pakistan is passing through the challenging phase of electricity scarcity but right steps taken with an honest intention can lead us to load shedding free future.
The pragmatic solutions are of long term and short term duration. The short term solutions are to decrease the transmission line losses, to break the vicious circle of circular debts, to scrutinize the utility bill payment and a theft free electricity supply. Appropriate infrastructure can definitely guarantee a healthy flow of electricity. An individual approach towards resolving the issue is to save electricity by cutting down the usage by few watts.
In addition to that the long term reform include the construction of new dams, electricity production through cheaper sources, exploring alternative energy solutions and an efficient and in time completion of Iran-Pakistan pipeline and Thar coal project. Pakistan is blessed with natural energy sources like solar and wind. The extreme sunny weather in summers can be exploited to make maximum out of it. The coastal line is an inexhaustible source of wind energy. Another solution is to increase the ratio of power generation by nuclear plants.
The parting gap between demand and supply is mounting with every year and it is pushing the economy to the brink. The solution lies in investing time and efforts in the accurate direction to fulfill the demands. The most viable steps are to construct new water storage capacities and explore the alternative renewable sources.