Best SAT Instructor and tutors in Lahore–Rs 6,000 – Canada Qualified Teachers
Best SAT Instructor and tutors in Lahore–Rs 6,000 – Canada Qualified Teachers
When you ask people about SAT and the different SAT instructors and tutors people will tell you that Mr. Umar Khan, Mr. Talha Omer, Mr. Aurangzeb and Mr. Mehmood Akram are good teachers but you need to determine who is going to be the teacher you want to choose and whether you want to choose any teacher or not.
Join Pacans Preparation Center for the SAT preparation course. Timings (12-3pm or 7:30-9:30pm)
NOC by College Board for notes. Canada Qualified Teachers. 2-month SAT course for Rs 10,000
10 branches in Lahore Call 042-35855791 or 0332-0146186