CHECK Mardan board Intermediate part 2 result 2012. Pass or Fail? Check now!
Dear students,
PACANS is an education organization which has taught more than 5 million people in Pakistan & India
PACANS is an educational institute by Mr. Umar Khan (Canada Qualified Teacher)
Mardan board will announce the result for the FA/FSC exams which were held in 2012. The result would be announced in the month of July/August 2012. Become a member of this website and we will send you the result on its announcement. We hope that all students will pass the exam and Inshallah have a very good future.
PACANS is soon opening in Mardan. For information call 042-35855791; 0336-5095095
Please visit the following link for the result
You can also visit for free English notes Matric, FA/FSC, BA