Fishing Business in Pakistan
Fishing is an oldest and royal hobby and people would love to do it. This is not only a hobby but also a reputable profession. There are different techniques which can be used for the fishing not only to catch the fish but also other aquatic animals. Recreational fishing is for just for the sake of enjoyment. People have to take license for this act in different areas. Big game fishing is a way to catch lots of fishes at a time. Fishing itself is a large industry and used for commercial purposes. Commercial fisherman amasses all the species like tuna, cod and shrimps, etc. Thy used fishes and long net with themselves and collects them and then sale in to market.
Tag:cod and shrimps, etc. Thy used fishes and long net with themselves and collects them and then sale in to market., Fishing is an oldest and royal hobby and people would love to do it. This is not only a hobby but also a reputable profession. There are different techniques which can be used for the fishing not only