Paragraph on Weather Report
weather report
Weather includes humidity, season, tempreature, calimate e.t.s. In weather report we determine or forecast all these conditions and their effects. It has great importance in our life we can schedule our daily routine tasks with the help of weather report.
In weather report people study the routine of wind , cloud and seasons. it tells us when and how there is going to change in the weather. if its gonna rain or not or how much it is going to rain even it can telll us for how many days it is going to rain. in weather report we can learn about the waether of differnet areas. for example weather reoprt tells us the climate of Canada is cold. in winter temperature is below 10 C . on the other hand climate of pakistan is moderate neither it is too much hot nor it is freezing. it helps us to know about the weather of those areas which we even dont visit.
weather report tells us that climate of hilly areas is cold and there is moderate climate near sea shore. on the other hand wind speed in hilly areas is less than that on shore.
so, it has very deep effect on our lifes . it can even determine our way of life and espacially daily routines
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